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Saskatoon, SK. — Abbot Peter Novecosky and Fr. Lawrence DeMong participated in the jubilees of profession of two Sisters of Sion in Saskatoon, Aug. 30. Sr. Theresa Horvath (60), left, and Sr. Jocelyn Monette (50).
For more information on the Sisters, check out their website at:

Bruno, SK. — On August 21, 2014, more than 250 parishioners and visitors celebrated the 110th anniversary of the St. Bruno Parish, Bruno, Sask. and the 90th birthday of Fr. Joseph Ackerman, OSB, pastor (left). The celebration included a festive mass and pot luck supper. Beside Fr. Joseph is Abbot Peter Novecosky representing all the Benedictine pastors who have served the parish for the past 110 years.

Fr. Joe speaks with some parishioners at the potluck supper at the parish celebration.

Carmel, SK– Several monks took part in the youth rally of Rock the Mount at Mount Carmel on Saturday, Aug. 16. More than 400 young people attended. The 5:00 mass was celebrated by Bishop Donald Bolen of Saskatoon, an oblate of St. Peter’s Abbey.