Fall Blessings abound at St. Peter’s Abbey


Muenster, SK. — Harvesting is in full swing in the Muenster area at the end of September. Br. Basil Schaan checks some of the organic wheat swaths near Muenster and then checks out a truck ready to unload. Some farmers are already finished their harvest while others still have a week or so to go.




Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Plenary Assembly 2014

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Abbot Peter Novecosky is attending the annual plenary meeting of the Canadian bishops at Beaupré, Quebec, Sept. 15 – 19. It is along the St. Lawrence River, near the famous shrine of St. Anne de Beaupré.


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Prior to the annual CCCB meeting of bishops, Abbot Peter joined them for the celebration in Quebec City of the 350 anniversary of the founding of Notre-Dame de Québec, the first Catholic parish founded north of the Spanish colonies.