Sr. Miriam Spenrath, OSU, left, presents a Development and Peace Award to the
Prairie Messenger for its promotion of social justice issues. Accepting the award
are Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB, editor, and associate editors, Maureen Weber and Don
Ward. The presentation was made, April 28, at the open house of the Prairie
Messenger and St. Peter’s Press.
Fr. Lawrence DeMong, OSB holds a Leo Kurtenbach Pen recognizing him for his many
letters to the editor in support of social justice issues.
Approximately 100 attended the open house of the Prairie Messenger and St. Peter’s
Press on April 28. The public was treated to a wine and cheese and viewed displays
of pictorial histories. The PM and Press are closing in May, ending 114 years of
publishing by the Benedictines of St. Peter’s Abbey.