O Antiphons: The monks began to sing the O Antiphons at Vespers Dec. 16,
the week before Christsmas. Al Vedress hangs up a beautiful set of the
antiphons made by Sr. Rita, OSU, and given to the abbey this fall as a gift
from the Ursulines of Bruno.
New Oblates November 8 2014
NEW OBLATES — Abbot Peter welcomes eight new Oblates of St. Peter’s Abbey. From left, Jenna Hill, Marie Rath, Kathryn Duffley, Pat Lyster, Lawrence Hill, Emily Hill, Barbara Saretsky and Jacqueline Saretsky. The Oblates made their First Oblation on November 8.
Remembrance of Deceased Confreres
St. Peter’s Abbey: Between All Souls Day and the first Friday after (a day
of prayer for deceased monks of the abbey), St. Peter’s places the pictures
of their deceased monks in the abbey church. Br. Anthony (left) explains
the custorm to Br. Benedict, a junior monk. November is the traditional
month to pray for the deceased.