By Fr. Paul Paproski, OSB
The five novices of St. Peter’s Abbey, who were invested on the feast of St. Benedict (March 21 2013), introduced themselves to the Oblates at their March 23 meeting. The novices expressed their appreciation to the community of St. Peter’s Abbey and the Oblates for welcoming them, and said they look forward to their new vocation.
Three of the novices, Linden Predy, 19, of Saskatoon; Christopher Weber, 36, of Hanover, Ontarion; and Peter van Ginkel, 50, of Winnipeg adopted religious names of saints. Linden will now be known as Br. Stephen; Christopher will be called Br. Damian; and Peter is Br. Benedict. The other two novices are Br. Andreas Hofer, 29, of New Zealand, and Br. Dominic Leo, 42, of Vancouver.
Br. Andreas Hofer, originally from Austria, came from New Zealand where he was self-employed in residential, commercial and industrial construction, as well as carpentry, joinery and cabinet making.
Br. Stephen Predy, the youngest novice, attended the University of Saskatchewan for the last year. Br. Benedict van Ginkel is a professional music teacher and has been playing the organ for monastic office and teaching Gregorian chant.
Br. Damian Weber completed a year of studies in theology at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, B.C. Previously, he worked five years in the lay apostolate through the Secular Franciscan order. He resided in the Diocese of Antigonish, N.S. where he lived and worked at Our Lady of Grace Monastery, doing maintenance and assisting in the retreat house.
Br. Dominic Leo worked as an Information Technology (IT) technician and programmer/analyst in Vancouver for the Knights of Columbus. He finished two years of seminary training at the Benedictine monastery of Westminster Abbey in Mission, B.C.